Choose the Price Plan That's Best for You

Sample RPP Plan Prices

To help you make the best choice for your household and small business, use London Hydro's NEW Price Plan Calculator to see a personalized comparison between Time-of-Use, Tiered, and Ultra-Low Overnight price plans based on your actual electricity usage.

Learn more about the differences between the price plans on our Electricity Rates page.

To Choose The Price Plan That’s Best For You...

  1. Login to your MyLondonHydro account. If you don't have a MyLondonHydro account, click here to register.

  2. Click on the Choose Your Electricity Price Plan button.

    Choose Your Price Plan Button
  3. View and compare your historical and projected cost differences under each price plan.

    Sample Rate Plan Comparison

To Switch Your Plan…

  1. Simply click on the Switch Price Plan Now button.

    Select Price Plan Now
  2. Choose the plan you prefer to be on and press Submit.
    Please note - This switch won't take effect until your next billing cycle. We encourage you to download London Hydro's app Trickl or log into your MyLondonHydro account to review your usage after switching to a new price plan.

    RPP Confirmation Switch Box

If you would like to learn more about your pricing options, visit You may also use the Ontario Energy Board's Online Bill Calculator

hand holding a smartphone with Trickl app

NEW! Switch Price Plans On Your Smartphone With Trickl