Privacy Policy

Because You Entrust Us With Your Information, Protecting Your Privacy Is Paramount at London Hydro.


London Hydro is 100% committed to protecting your personal information and privacy and we’ve been a leading organization in meeting all cybersecurity requirements as defined by the Ontario Energy Board.

Your Privacy Is Important

This is London Hydro Inc.’s (“London Hydro”) privacy policy. This document explains London Hydro's policies for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. London Hydro is subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). London Hydro provides electrical distribution services and bills City of London water customers on behalf of the City of London.

The Information We Collect

London Hydro collects information by various methods including information actively provided by its customers and information arising from customer utility use. The City of London provides information necessary to bill water customers on its behalf. The types of personal information we collect include name, service location, contact information, identification information, utility use details, credit information and special needs information. We may record calls to our customer service representatives for purposes of accuracy, performance reviews and training.

How We Use This Information

This information is used for the distribution of electricity to our customers including customer service, communications, accounting, billing, collections, services and repairs. For water use, the information is used to bill on behalf of the City of London. London Hydro may use aggregate or anonymous information that will not be linked to identified individuals for various other uses for itself and third parties.

Who We Share This Information With

London Hydro does not share personal information with any third parties except as disclosed in this policy. London Hydro may provide personal information to London Hydro’s consultants, subcontractors and professional advisers (which shall be bound by privacy obligations) to assist London Hydro’s uses disclosed herein. London Hydro will also provide personal information to other parties involved in the electrical generation, transmission and distribution industry and to regulators to the extent required to service customers or as required by law. If we disconnect service to a customer who is a tenant we may advise the customer’s landlord or to a customer who is a landlord we may advise the customer’s tenant that the disconnection has or is about to occur. MFFIPA imposes certain privacy obligations on London Hydro, but also obligates London Hydro to release certain information requested though freedom of information requests. SECURITY Personal information is stored in a combination of paper and electronic files. They are protected by security measures appropriate to the nature of the information.

Accessing Information

Individuals may review their personal information contained in London Hydro files by contacting the London Hydro privacy officer. If an individual believes that any of their personal information is inaccurate, we will make appropriate corrections.


London Hydro may amend this policy from time to time. If such amendments affect how London Hydro uses or discloses personal information already held by London Hydro in a material way, London Hydro will obtain consent. Notwithstanding the general terms of this policy, the collection, use and disclosure of personal information may be made outside of the terms herein to the extent provided for in any applicable privacy or other legislation in effect from time to time. London Hydro may disclose personal information to another entity purchasing the assets of London Hydro, provided that entity abides by this or a similar privacy policy.

Contact Us

For more information on London Hydro and privacy please contact our Privacy Officer at or for general inquires call 519-661-5503.