Disclosure: Assurance of Voluntary Compliance

In November 2023, London Hydro Inc. discovered a billing system discrepancy where some charges were higher than the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) approved charges.

The billing error(s) were due to the incorrect application of prorated fixed monthly charges, which
impacted the first and last bill of partial months (move-in and move-out).

The error(s) affected approximately 94,078 individual invoices and resulted in overcharges of $11,439.60
over the four-year period from November 1, 2019, to October 31, 2023. The four-year customer credit
would be small (around 12 cents per occurrence), and many of those affected by the billing error(s) may
no longer be customers of London Hydro Inc.

To remedy the error, London Hydro will contribute $11,439.60 to the Low-Income Energy Assistance
Program (LEAP) to help customers in need in its service territory.

We apologize for this error and assure you that the necessary changes to the billing system were
completed on November 1, 2023.

London Hydro Inc. provided an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance to the OEB, which was accepted by
the OEB on <insert acceptance letter date>.

For more details
See the “Enforcement Proceedings” section on www.oeb.ca or contact us at admin@londonhydro.com.


Please click here for a PDF copy of the Assurance of Voluntary Compliance.